April 30, 2009

Hail Your Highness!!

Three Words.

Hail Your Highness.

One Adjective.


Like what you hear?!?!?
check out their myspace and add them!!!

Hail Your Highness is a band that fits many genre labels
Screamo,pop,metal,hardcore, and yet christian rock.
These guys are addictive.
And by guys I do not mean males.
THis band consists of two females (Niki and Jessie) and one male Mike.
By not having the stereotypical male drummer, HYH has an edge that makes you want more.
Founded by sisters Niki and Jessie Bobenmoyer from Grayling, HYH has been creating music for at LEAST 2 years.
But that doesn't include the 14 years combined, that these two sisters have been creating music.
and I'm not just giving credit to thee girls.
Mike Fiel is a pretty amazing lead guitarist.
And currently, Hail Your Highness is ACTUALLY looking for a full time commited bass player to fully complete HYH.

The mission of Hail Your Highness is to show their generation the unconditional love that is so needed, both through their music and sharing. “We are unashamed and proud to say that the reason we write, the reason we are alive, and the reason we play music is all to glorify our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Without Him we are nothing, and if we get the chance to share that with just one person, then we’ve done our job and have changed a life for the better.”-Jessie

They may only have on E.P. out...
but this band is guaranteed to get big
With as much studio time as they've been having, be sure to expect an awesome album soon to come out.

so check these guys out, you won't regret it.

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